Read a synopsis about each of the Joseph Antonelli, William Darnell and Bobby Hart novels, including information on where to order each book in paperback/ hardback or as an e-book, in order of publication date:
- Lunatic Carnival (2023)
- The Privilege (2021)
- The 45th (2019)
- Necessity (2018)
- Hillary (2016)
- Helen (2014) (previously published as Eros by pen name Jean DuMont)
- The Last Man (2013)
- The Dark Backward (2012)
- The Swindlers (2011)
- Evangeline (2010)
- Rubicon (2008) by Lawrence Alexander (pen name for D.W. Buffa)
- Trial by Fire (2005)
- Breach of Trust (2004)
- Star Witness (2003)
- The Legacy (2002)
- The Judgment (2001)
- The Prosecution (1999)
- The Defense (1997)